Monday, March 15, 2010

Hunger Games Triology

I know it is young adult literature.
I know it is so popular it makes your head hurt.
But I also know that both Jake and I read all 765 pages of the Suzanne Collins trilogy that we poses in our home in under 3 days.

I would suggest it for our next read.... but since it doesn't seem that we are doing that really. I will just suggest that you READ it.

I did not read- and still adamantly refuse to read Twilight. But I imagine The Hunger Games and Catching Fire are like if Twilight and Ender's Game had a baby. A very, very gruesome, baby.

It is the only book ever I have googled to see when I can get the next installment. Answer- Aug 24, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Carl and I both read the Hunger Games and Catching Fire and LOVED. THEM! Can't wait until August.

    And just for the record - in the last Twilight book they actually have a *spoiler alert* very, very gruesome baby. :) But I'm with you on the comparison.
